Did I Relapse Because of a Facebook Algorithm?
Data from my past may have been used to manipulate me into returning to old habits
We’re all in a severely abusive relationship that we can’t break free from.
We justify this relationship by citing convenience, connectivity, and global reach, but the version we’re getting can’t possibly overshadow the costs we are suffering.
Why I Left The First Time
I originally left Facebook, because I saw it as a threat to my mental health.
I was one year into recovery from my dependence on alcohol. I also quit smoking and stopped drinking caffeinated sugar ridden beverages.
I was more self aware than any other time in my life. I stayed cautious about things I was consuming and I started paying more attention to my day to day activities.
I started noticing something when I was on Facebook. It wasn’t clear to me at the time but Facebook triggered a dormant depression that I dealt with in early recovery.
My Facebook activities changed quite a bit when I entered recovery. As a result, I was less likely to follow click-bate videos down endless rabbit holes.
The Facebook algorithm would have to adjust my viewable content and suggested videos that might restore my mood to one that’s more likely to achieve previously reachable goals.
My recorded history of “normal” data points in active addiction don’t match my current routine in recovery.
Leaving Facebook — 2016
I was scrolling through my news feed for thirty minutes, fixated on my new found and misunderstood depression when I had an aha moment.
I was not enjoying anything I was doing at all. I couldn’t even remember what I was trying to do in the first place. Nothing I saw throughout thirty minutes of scrolling was interesting, funny, entertaining, or productive.
I decided to see if those things even existed on Facebook.
Ultimately, I came to the conclusion, that I had no reason whatsoever to continue using Facebook.
My brain was fast and ready with rebuttals after this revelation.
- “There are friends and family that you can only contact with FB.”
- “FB is the only way you can promote your music and post Medium articles.”
- “People will miss you.”
Lies. Every single one of them.
My account stayed deactivated for over three years. I didn’t lose touch with friends or family. My music and writing still found an audience. And nobody even knew I was gone.
Facebook Returns
My return to Facebook was far less enlightening.
I logged on to find a picture. Something in messenger caught my attention. Someone saw me online in and reached out with Face-time.
And just like that, I forgot I didn’t use Facebook and I’ve been using it for two years now.
Shortly after that, I relapsed after four years of sobriety. Eventually, I once again found the strength to start over by moving back into sober living.
I’m seven months clean at the moment.
Facebook is an easy target to blame my addiction on in order to curtail any personal responsibility. But hear me out, because this isn’t just about me. The Opioid epidemic could also be a direct result of FB manipulation.
The Opioid Epidemic On Social Media
If an individual is trying to enact real change in their life but the social media platform they look at nonstop is programmed keep them doing things they’ve always done so an ad algorithm can target them easier to meet previously reachable metrics, how would this individual ever succeed?
In my situation, the majority of data that Facebook has is from years spent in active addiction because I didn’t use Facebook during the most of my sobriety.
How is this data not being used as the primary model for my personal targeted ad algorithm?
If this is even remotely possible, it’s a big fucking deal.
We’re not talking about unconsciously purchasing a different brand of potato chips or spending too much time clicking on skate videos.
This sort of manipulation could cause serious mental health issues that are being misdiagnosed, because who the fuck would think this sort of thing could possibly ever happen??
It’s far too late to point fingers though. Nobody will ever be held accountable for any of this.
Because we’re all to blame. Every single one of us. We took their drugs. We took their money. We used their products. We liked their content, subscribed to their bullshit and demanded more of it.
I hold myself accountable for my own actions and responsible for any repercussions that follow.
The only solution I see moving forward, is a permanent deletion of any and all personal social media accounts that engage in targeted advertising over paid content.
I beg you to do the same.
Even if you don’t think you’re being manipulated to the point of powerlessness, you can at least ask yourself one simple question. “Am I even enjoying this?”
Thank you so much for taking the time to read. . . anything.
I’d love to hear what everyone thinks about this. Have you been considering leaving social media? Maybe it’s something you keep putting off? Or maybe you’re ahead of all of us and left that dumpster fire years ago.
If you have anything you’d like to share or questions you’d like to ask, please leave a response or feel free to reach out to me privately. Thanks!!